Wednesday, June 29

Into the Future.

I cannot believe our flight is tomorrow. Tomorrow! I'm super-dee-duper excited to chillax with our families in the great state of Texas. I just hope that I can use my powers of slumber to make the flight go by faster. I'd also like to have two seats together on the plane, but that might not happen. Oh well, I guess H. will just have to read the in-flight magazine or something to pass the time.

Flight tomorrow means laundry today. Lots and lots of laundry. I have a bad habit of over-packing for a trip and I'm trying not to do that this time, but who knows if I'll need that Calgary Flames sweatshirt or those plaid rain boots, right? Right.

The last time we came back from Texas we had a bit of a luggage debacle. Besides the fact that the flight was cancelled, our luggage was sent ahead on the next available flight. When we went to pick up the suitcase, we noticed that one of the wheels was damaged. The outer casing for the wheel was cracked, and eventually shattered rolling it across the floor. The actual wheel is okay, but now we have a new problem - the wheel has little oval indentations in it, on the part that touches the floor. This creates a loud sound as the suitcase is wheeled across a hard surface.

H. tried taking the wheel out of the suitcase, but it wasn't made for replacing the wheels, so no luck there. My idea is to take some regular glue and lightly coat the wheel with it, filling in the holes slightly. Alternative ideas include supergluing a thin sheet of foam or felt around the wheel, creating a soft surface. If all else fails, I'll just have the darndest, noisiest piece of luggage that ever did roll.

Recently, I ran out of the whole grain Cheerios I had been eating for breakfast every day. We bought a huge box of them from Costco a while back, and I just now got around to finishing it. Our last trip to Costco ended with no Cheerios, a couple of invisible tears, and a new box of fiberlicious cereal. I didn't have high hopes, but I wasn't about to go without breakfast until the store had them again.

This box is magical. It has the perfect combination of crunchy things that won't get soggy in your bowl and leftover milk with a smidge of cinnamon that makes you want to pour yourself another bowl just to drink the milk. I hope that doesn't sound as weird as it looks. But by golly Miss Molly, this is my new favorite cereal and the world needs to know.

And now I'ma have a bowl whilst I do laundry. I'll leave you with this little bit of lolz - you know those "captcha" things websites have to make sure you're a human? I swear on that cinna-cereal  that this one popped up while I was uploading the luggage photos.

This photo brought to you by Rosetta Stone.

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