Tuesday, February 22


As I nervously await the verdict of whether or not the reception hall is big enough for us, I figured I'd show you what I accomplished over the weekend. Well, H. and I accomplished. As the story goes, after receiving beautiful pink roses for Valentine's Day (of which I forgot to take any pictures, doh!), I wanted more and more flowers. Instead of buying bouquets of them, I decided to grow them. :D

Currently, nothing is growing, but I have high hopes! I planted gladiolas, three of them, and hopefully they will be sprouting in a couple of days. I am way too excited about this for my own good, but at least now I have something productive to do in the morning instead of browse the internet for wedding ideas. I'll probably do that anyways in the afternoon.

H. and I mixed some soil and some Perlite (which I didn't know wasn't soil - it has a picture of dirt on the front!), and today I'm going to mix up some fertilizer diluted in a gallon of water. Hopefully I don't over nutrientize these plant babies.

As we were watering the soil thoroughly as per directions on the soil bag, it started raining! It's only rained on the mountains out here, not actually on the civilization parts. H. was very proud of this accomplishment we had somehow provoked.

I'll be posting some more pictures once something develops. I super duper hope these guys sprout - I might have to do the funny dance a la My Neighbor Totoro, except I would stop before they grew into actual trees.

Have a wonderful day, everyone!


  1. Yay flowers! I'm glad something is going well for you! Speaking of good news, we went cake tasting!

    The Amaretto is deeeeeeelicious. She also managed to make the coconut filling good, so she must be some kind of cake goddess.

    The strawberry was pretty good, but not as good as the raspberry. She had both in two forms: cream and preserves. Your mom and I really liked the preserves. She'd put down a layer of the same icing on the outside, then put the preserves on top of that. It'd be so good!! Anyway, yeah.

    She quoted a price for us. $262.50, but that was before filling. It does include the piping and the like. She also showed us some of the flowers she's done. They're beautiful! When you decide on what kind of flower, I'm going to let her know and she'll quote us a price on that too. It's definitely worth checking out, I think.

    Anyway, we put down a deposit, so you know you'll have a cake at least! Now, we just need a venue! Best of luck to you!!

  2. That sounds wonderful! :D I'm not entirely sure I get how the preserves are put on the cake, though. Is there icing and preserves in between two layers of cake? However she does it, it sounds like she does it tastefully (get it? eh? eh? :P)

    I'll try to make a final decision on the flowers ASAP. I still have to find a florist, and all.

    Thanks again for taking one for the team, Susan. :]
