Friday, May 20

Day Four.

Quick health update: I has none. It's day four of this "wicked cold", as H. puts it, and it's gotten bad enough that H. went out and bought me a whole slew of medications. Nasal spray, vapor-rub, mucinex pills, peppermint tea, spiced chai tea, and beer. The beer is a medication that H. uses to put up with my grumpy self when I'm sick. His three words to describe me are cute, pathetic, and grumpy. I think the first one is supposed to cancel out the other two, even though they are pretty true to form.

Remember when I made hamburgers (when I thought that the cold would go away with a hard dose of Nyquil)? Well, I had some leftover meat mixture - ground beef with chopped onions and mushrooms - and after receiving my care package containing the remaining wedding gifts, I'm thinking of making ravioli on Sunday. There can't possibly be two days worth of cold left in this virus (fingers crossed), and H.'s been itching to try out the ravioli maker we got. I think he might be almost as excited as I am for this contraption. He's already thought out his first ravioli: bacon and mushroom. I'll probably make him add something else to make it a little more sustaining. Personally, I can't wait to try spinach, mushroom, mozzarella raviolis.

Another item in our care package is a crepe maker from dear E. I'm hoping that tomorrow I'll have more energy (I feel like all I do is take naps and drug up) to make dessert crepes with brandy apples. Since we happen to have both brandy (it was on sale at Costco!) and apples. And sugar, but that's a staple. The recipes for the crepes and the apple topping are in this cute little recipe book E. got me to go with the crepe maker. I didn't know that crepes could be used for so many things!

Once I'm right as rain, I'm intending to pull out the dead gladiolas sitting in that planter box. In my twisted mind, I figured that since I didn't have the new flowers to plant, there was no rush to pull out the glads. I'll most likely need a large garbage bag to aid in throwing those plants away. But, once it's done, I can put new flowers in - specifically, the flower favors from our wedding! I'm particularly excited about them, because they say on the back they don't need direct sunlight, which is what our apartment lacks. So expect to see oodles of pictures of sprouting seedlings.

One recipe I found on the interwebs recently (yesterday) is for something that looks so tasty it could be used as a bribe.

Caramel Pecan Brownies | Lemon Sugar
I've made something like this before from a box, and while that was pretty good, I can't wait to try them made from scratch. The recipe is over on a blog called Lemon Sugar, and I might have bookmarked her website so I can look at tasty things every day. It'll be like tightrope walking between good and evil, trying to not eat all of the brownies before H. gets home from work.

Now if you'll excuse me,  I'm going to go rip out my throat.

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